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Friday, February 28, 2014

Dar al-Islam Summer Teacher Institute dates & application

Understanding Islam and Muslims: An Institute for Teachers

July 30 - August 9, 2014 in Abiquiu, NM

Dar al Islam is pleased to offer its annual residential Teachers' Institute during the summer of 2014. Islamic faith, practice, history and culture are taught with depth and breadth by university professors and Islamic scholars; additionally, participants will learn about existing resources and curriculum to teach about Islam in social studies, religion or world history classes. Finally, utilizing Institute materials, participants will collaborate on a final project that lends itself to immediate use in their classrooms.

The Teachers' Institute is FREE to those selected to attend!! Participants pay their roundtrip travel expenses to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dar al Islam will provide books and supplementary teaching materials, on-site room and board, and transportation between our campus in Abiquiu, NM and the Albuquerque International Airport. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until spaces are filled with priority is given to those submitted by April 1st. While the focus of this Institute is on secondary school teachers, we accept and equally consider applications from other professionals.

For more information about Dar al Islam and the Teachers' Institute, visit us online at www.daralislam.org. If you have any questions, contact us at InstituteDirector@daralislam.org.

Note that after this year, the program will return to its July time slot. The schedule reflects the fact that Ramadan falls in July this year.