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Monday, November 25, 2013

16th Annual CIBER Business Language Conference

The Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBERs) would like to announce the Call for Proposal for the 16th Annual CIBER Business Language Conference. The conference will take place on April 24-26, 2014 at the Canyons Resort, Park City, Utah. The theme for the conference is “Embracing a New Era for Business, Language, and Culture” and the conference’s goal is to link the needs indicated by U.S. businesses and the professions’ with the skills of language administration, instructors, and researchers at all levels (k-12, college and university, etc.) in the commonly taught languages, as well as those languages for which the current needs are critically lacking or are in a developing stage.

PROPOSAL SUBMISSION deadline is February 1, 2014. For details on how to submit the proposals, please visit https://marriottschool.byu.edu/event/ciberblc/paper. Please, make sure you follow the guidelines for the proposal submission.

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION deadline is April 1, 2014. To register and learn more about the conference please visit http://marriottschool.byu.edu/event/ciberblc. The website will be updated regularly.